FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol – a rather popular method for transferring website files between a home computer and a web server. With an FTP program like FileZilla or CuteFTP, you can establish a connection to the server and see its content in one pane, while the files on your PC will be displayed in another pane within the main program window. All you will have to do to send files or entire folders in either direction is to mark them and then to drag them from one pane to the other. FTP is preferred by a lot of users because you can create different FTP accounts and each of them can be limited to connect to just one folder on the server, so a web designer, for instance, can fulfill their job without being able to access any other folder in your website hosting account. Furthermore, the presence of different FTP accounts will also permit you to create numerous websites with web design tools like Dreamweaver or FrontPage and to upload them to their respective directories on the server.

FTP Accounts in Cloud Hosting

You can set up as many FTP accounts as you like with any of the Linux cloud hosting that we offer, because we have decided not to restrict this feature. Thus, you can have numerous sites at the same time or grant other people access to multiple directories. Once a certain job has been completed and you do not want that individual to be able to connect to your website files anymore, you can edit the password for the specific FTP account or you can simply remove that account with a few clicks and stop worrying about someone using it again. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is offered with all hosting accounts, will permit you to check the complete list of the active FTP accounts displayed alphabetically. It takes only one mouse click to manage different options for any of them – to modify the password or the access path, to download an auto-configuration file, etc.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting are quite powerful, which makes them suitable for hosting an enormous number of Internet sites. Speaking of which, we’ve decided not to put a restriction on the number of FTP accounts that you can create, so you can have a separate FTP account for each website that you host on our cloud platform. All FTP accounts will be shown alphabetically in the respective section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with each semi-dedicated account. For each of them, you’ll be able to view the access path and to modify it, if needed. Also, you can set up a new account in an FTP client of your preference by downloading an auto-configuration file and running it on your personal computer, which will save you time. In case you’ve never opened a hosting account before, you can check our detailed how-to videos, which are available in the same Control Panel section.