When using the cloud hosting pack, you’ll be able to set up a personal portfolio web site, a weblog and even a small web–shop. It’s possible to host a single domain name, and you’ll have enough allocations to progress thanks to the unrestricted disk space and traffic quotas contained in the package.
Starter Package
Starter hosting at
$3.83/mo.Take a look at our web hosting platform with a 30 days completely free trial period. No credit card info necessary.
24x7 Support
24–7 Support
Our team of skilled technical support engineers will be online twenty–four–seven for any concerns that you might have concerning our cloud hosting services. No matter whether you are in need of guidance or have a significant problem to resolve, we are here to assist you. You can reach us via email or through the ticketing platfrom. A 1–hour response time is guaranteed. You can also phone us or use the online chat service during business hours.
Free Templates
100+ totally free WordPress and Joomla™ templates to choose from
It is possible to download a new Wordpress or Joomla™ template with a simple mouse click from your Web Control Panel. There is no need to visit 3rd–party web sites for first–class website templates. We have a huge selection for you readily integrated into your web hosting account. Just select the website template of your choosing and press the Download button. All web site themes are absolutly free of charge for you.
Website Installer
Start your sites with one click
Creating your site is as easy as A, B, C with this quick, 1–click Instant Site Installer. Zero coding is required, zero website design abilities are necessary. Just pick the kind of web site you’d like – personal or business, as well as a web design skin of your preference. After that hit the Install button and your new site will be online in an instant. You’ll find the Website Installer in the Web Control Panel.
True Cloud Platform
We’ve used the latest cloud server technology when constructing our own web hosting system, which is invulnerable to unexpected performance disruptions and network downtimes. All the services connected with your website like DNSs, emails, databases, web apps, etc. are handled by different physical machines to ensure that even if there is an excessive load problem, your website will still be working hassle–free.
30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
A risk–free hosting service. You’ll get a refund in case you are not happy
In case, for any reason, you are not fully satisfied with the cloud hosting service or with our support service, you can make use of our 30–day money–back guarantee. All you need to do is submit a reimbursement request via our ticketing platfrom then our sales staff members will handle everything. Don’t forget that domain registrations are final and nonrefundable.
- Join us
Service guarantees
- Sign up now. There won’t be any setup expenses and you could benefit from our 30 day reimbursement guarantee if you’re not fully satisfied with our services.
Compare our prices
- Have a quick look at the allocations and capabilities offered by every one of our web hosting plans. You could begin with a smaller plan and move up with simply a click when your website expands.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- Contact us at any time during working hours Monday to Friday for any pre–sale or common queries concerning our platform. Phone us whenever you want.